When you buy a VPN Router from us for use with Nord VPN you can select the " I like it easy option" to ask us to add your Nord VPN Service Credentials to the vpn router for you or you can select the " I will add the details myself " option if you want to add them yourself. When you click on a VPN Router on our website these options will appear!
Whatever option you pick you will need to get the Nord VPN Service Credentials from nordvpn.com. You will need them so you can email them to us or so you can add them to your new vpn router yourself. We include printed instructions with each VPN Router that shows you how to do this.
They are just a 24 digit long username and 24 digit long password. They are not a file. They are different to your normal Nord VPN login username and login password.
1. Go to Nordvpn.com and click on login. Then enter you normal Nord VPN username and click the continue button.
2. Enter your normal Nord VPN login password and click continue.
3. Scroll down the page to "Services" and where it says "Nord VPN" click on "View Details"
4. Scroll down to manual setup and where it says " Get Service Credentials.." Click on the "Set up NordVPN manually" button.
5. This will open on this page and Nord VPN will have sent a verification code to your email that you need to enter into this page.
6. After entering the code it will open on this page. That shows your Nord VPN Service Credentials.
7. Click the two page symbol to the right of the Username Credential to Copy it. Now paste it somewhere.
8. Click the two page symbol to the right of the Password Credential to Copy it. Now paste it somewhere.
You now have your Nord VPN Service Credentials that you can either paste into an email to send to us or you can keep them to add to the VPN router yourself.
9. You can now logout of Nord VPN as we are finished.
Please note in the good old days you could just add your normal Nord VPN username and password to the VPN Router but now the Service Credentials are required.
This blog post will also help existing customers who now need to add the Service Credentials to the VPN Router.
You can get them by following this blog post and you can then follow your printed instructions that were sent with your router so you can add the service credentials to the VPN router.
Please read the " I will add my own details" section and instead of adding your normal username and password, just delete these and replace them with the Service Credential Username and Service Credential Password and save these details.
If you require help or advice with this please email support@vpn-router.co.uk
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